Let us help you save money on your overhead and introduce you to our many programs designed to make practicing medicine a little easier than it was before you joined us in the AIH Network. Join us in working to preserve the quality of care we demand as physicians and improve the health of our communities. We can
make a huge difference by working together

Our Mission Statement
AIH is an independent, physician owned and governed, partially integrated medical practice group network. AIH
and its participating physicians seek to
- Integrate and coordinate multi-specialty patient care beginning at the local community level;
- Improve access, quality and cost effectiveness of health care services delivered through the development of new health care service delivery products
- Develop and implement network administrative, operating and information systems required to improve the delivery of health care services and patient outcomes
- And to develop the capability to provide additional ancillary services and generate additional efficiencies in the delivery of outpatient services.
Integrated Health
Atlantic Integrated Health, Inc (AIH) is an independent, physician-owned and – governed partially integrated medical practice group
The integration of the medical group practices and physicians creates significant potential to enhance the quality and cost effectiveness of care provided to patients served by our network.
Atlantic was incorporated as a business corporation December 5, 1994 under the name “Atlantic Primary Care, Inc.”. Several years later, to achieve the needed legal structure to accomplish our goals, our current name “Atlantic Integrated Health, Inc.” was adopted. Since June 1996, AIH has entered into Medical Services Provider Agreements covering over 550 physician shareholders located in 16 counties of eastern NC. The Medical Service Provider Agreements require participating physicians to comply with key operating policies, procedures and discounted fees for service, established by the AIH physician Board of Directors.
The Beacon Company was developed to market the services of The AIH shareholders and to build a Medical Services Network to compete with
non-physician-owned managed-care networks in Eastern NC that may or may not have the best interests of patients, physicians, and hospitals
at heart. The Beacon Company holds contracts with over 4500 additional physician’s shareholders in NC and is seeking to grow even further in
2009. Through the Beacon Company as the marketing arm of the AIH Network, we seek to enter into direct contracts with employers and provide healthcare services to their employees. A simplified Network provider agreement is offered to physicians contracted through the Beacon Company.